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From The Complete Young Man's Companion; or, Self Instructer, pp24-6, 1800.


 A. or Answ. Answer
 A.B. Artium Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Arts
 Abp. Archbishop
 Abr. Abraham
 Acct. Account
 A.D. Anno Domini in the year of our Lord
 Adml. Admiral
 Admrs. Administrators
 A.M. Artium Magister, Master of Arts; Ante Meridiem, before noon; and Anno Mundi, in  the year of the world. 
 Amst. Amsterdam
 Anab. Anabaptist
 Anth. Anthony
 Ap. Apostle
 Apr. April
 Ass. Assigns
 Ast. P.G.C. Astronomy Proffessor of Gresham College
 Atto. Attorney
 B.A. Bachelor of Arts
 Bart. Baronet
 Barth. Bartholomew
 B.D. Baccalaureus Divinitatis, Bachelor of Divinity
 Benj. Benjamin
 Bp. Bishop
 B.V. Blessed Virgin
 Bucks. Buckinghamshire
 C. Cent. Centum, an Hundred
 Cant. Canticles, Canterbury
 Capt. Captain
 Cat. Catechism
 Chap. Chapter
 Chron. Chronicles
 Cit. Citizen, City, Citadel
 Cler. Clericus, Clergyman
 Clem. Clement
 Co. or Comp. Company
 Col. Colonel, Colossians
 Com. Commissioner
 Corn. Cornelius
 C.P.S. Custos privati Sigill, Keeper of the Privy Seal
 C.S. Custos Sigilli, Keeper of the Seal
 Cr. Creditor
 Cur. Curate
 D. in number 500
 Dr. Doctor, Debtor
 Dan. Daniel
 D.D. Doctor Divinitatis, Doctor of Divinity
 D. Denarius, a penny
 Dd. delivered
 Dec. or 10ber, December
 Dep. Deputy
 Devon. Devonshire
 Deut. Deuteronomy
 Do. ditto, the same
 Dukm. Dukedom
 Earldm. Earldom
 Edm. Edmund
 Edw. Edward
 E.g. Exampli gratia, as for example
 Eliz. Elizabeth
 Eng. English, England
 Ep. Epistle
 Eph. Ephesians
 Esa. Esaias
 Esq. Esquire
 Ex. Example
 Exc. Exchange
 Exr. Executor
 Exon. Exeter
 Feb. February
 Fr. France, French, Francis, and Frances
 F.R.S. Fraterregalis Societatis, Fellow of the Royal Society
 Gal. Galatians
 Gen. Genesis
 Genl. General
 Genmo. Generalissimo
 Gent. Gentleman
 Geo. George
 Gosp. Gospel
 G.R. Georgius Rex, George the King
 Greg. Gregory
 Hants. Hampshire
 Heb. Hebrews
 Hen. Henry
 Hier. Hieronomus, Jerome
 Honble. Honourable
 Hond. Honoured
 Hons. Honours
 Holld. Holland
 Ibid. ibidem, in the same place
 Hum. Humphrey
 Hund. Hundred
 I. in number 1.
 Id. idem, the same
 i.e. id est, that it
 J.H.S. Jesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus Saviour of Men
 Isa. Isaiah
 Jas. James
 Jac. Jacob
 J.D. Jurium Doctor, Doctor of Laws
 Jer. Jeremy, Jeronme
 Jno. John
 Jos. Joseph
 Josh. Joshua
 Km. Kingdom
 Kt. Knight
 L. in number 50
 Ld. Lord
 L. Liber, Book, and Libra, Pounds
 Lam. Lamentation
 L.D. Lady Day
 Lev. Leviticus
 Lieut. Lieutenant
 LL.D Legum Doctor, Doctor of Laws.
 L.S. Locus Sigilli, the Place of the Seal
 Lond. London
 Lpd. Lordship
 Morn. Morning
 M. Manipulus, a Handful
 M.A. Magister Artium, Master of Arts
 Ma. Madam
 M.B. Medicinæ Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Physic
 Mty. Majesty
 Mar. March
 Marm. Marmaduke
 Mart. Martin, Martyr
 Matt. Matthew
 Math. Mathematics
 Messrs. Gentlemen
 Middlex. Middlesex
 M.D. Medicinæ Doctor, Doctor of Physic
 Mich. Michael, Michaelmas
 Min. Minister
 M.S. Memoriæ sacrum, Sacred to the Memory
 Mr. Master
 Mrs. Mistress
 MS. Manuscript
 MSS. Manuscripts
 N. Note
 Nat. Nathaniel, Nativity
 N.B. Nota bene, mark well
 Nic. Nicodemus, Nicolas
 N.l. non liquest, it appears not
 Nov. or 9ber, November
 N.S. New Stile
 Num. Number
 Obj. Objection
 Ob. Obedient
 Oct. or 8ber, October
 O.S. Old Stile
 Oxon. Oxford
 Par. Parish
 Parl. Parliament
 Pent. Pentecost
 Per Cent. per Centum, by the Hundred
 Pet. Peter
 Phil. Philip
 Philom. Philomathes, a Lover of Learning; or Philomathematicus, a Lover of the  Mathematics
 P.M. Post Meridiem, Afternoon
 P.M.G. Professor of Music at Gresham College
 Prof. Th. Gr. Professor of Divinity at Gresham College
 P.S. Postcript
 Ps. Psalm
 Q. Question, Queen
 q.d. quasi dicat, as if he should say
 q.l. quantum libet, as much as you please
 q.s. quantum sufficit, a sufficient quantity
 Regr. Register
 Regimt. Regiment
 Regt. Regent
 Reg. Prof. Regius Professor, King's Professor
 Rel. Religion, Relation
 Rev. Revelation, Reverend
 Rt. Wpful. Right Worshipful
 Rt. Honble. Right Honourable
 Salop. Shropshire
 S. South; and Solidus, a Shilling
 Sr. Sir
 St. Saint
 Sept. or 7ber, September
 Serj. Serjeant
 Servt. Servant
 Sol. Solution
 S.T.P. Sacre-sanctæ Theologiæ Professor, Professor of Divinity
 Tho. Thomas
 Theo. Theophilus
 Thess. Thessalonians
 V. vide, see, verse, five
 Viz. videlicet, that is to say
 Will. or Wm. William
 Wilts, Wiltshire
 Wp. Worship
 Wpful. Worshipful
 Xn. Christian
 Xpher. Christopher
 Xt. Christ
 ye. the
 yn. then
 ym. them
 yr. your
 ys. this
 yu. you or thou
 &, et, and
 &c. et cetera, and so forth

Note. These contractions ought to be avoided as much as possible; unless it be for one's own private use, and where it would be ridiculous to write them at length; as Mr. for Master, Mrs. for Mistress, &c. It argues likewise a disrespect and slighting to use contractions to our betters, and is often puzzling to others.