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women's names in Bedfordshire

Findings are based on information from the 1851 census: selecting only women who were born 1740-1820, and who were living in Bedfordshire in 1851. Total number of individuals included is 21 280.

The five most common names were:

Mary 17.3%
Elizabeth 15.4%
Sarah 12.8%
Ann 12.5%
Hannah 3.8%

Over half of the women were called Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah or Ann.

Over two-thirds of the women were called Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Ann, Hannah, Martha, Jane or Eliza.

2.8% (603) of the women had unusual names--those which were shared by 5 or fewer individuals. A handful of these appeared to be foreign immigrant names (Kerenhappwck, Carlotted), or men who had accidently been marked as female on the census return (Robert, Aaron).

http://www.notzen.com/gemma/images/women_bedfordshire.gif NamesPercentage
Mary 17.3%
Hannah, Martha, Jane or Eliza 11.3%
Charlotte, Rebecca, Mary Ann, Sophia, Susan, Maria or Catherine11.6%
Frances, Lucy, Susanna, Fanny, Harriet, Emma, Ruth, Caroline, Alice, Lydia, Esther or Louisa8.7%
Phoebe, Margaret, Rachel, Ellen, Edith, Betsy, Eleanor, Dinah, Amelia, Anna, Emily, Jemima, Deborah, Kezia, Judith, Leticia, Matilda, Rhoda, Amy, Kitty, Maryann, Priscilla, Naomi, Isabella, James, May/Mae, Julia, Abigail, Henrietta, Diana, Rose, Dorothy, Joanna, Selina, Thomas, Grace, Bridget, John, Leah, Nancy, Phillis, Sally, William, Agnes, Annie, Arabella, Charity, Charles, Heppzibah, Marianne, Dorcas, Helen, Marcy, Marian, Patience, Prudence, Samuel, Barbara, George, Hester, Ketty, Milly, Betty, Emila, Lettice, Marianna, Ursula, Zilpah7.6%
Names shared by 5 people or fewer2.8%

All names, ranked with the most popular first.

Names \ year born1740-17591760-17791780-17991800-1820Total
Sarah- 20985316542716
Jane- 33132361526
Charlotte- 20104310434
Mary Ann- 544305354
Susan- 2795222344
Maria- 273254329
Catherine- 10100171281
Lucy- 1866153237
Susanna- 1876140234
Fanny- 1251127190
Harriet- 422135161
Emma- 37118128
Ruth- 53088123
Caroline- - 2196117
Alice- 103868116
Esther- 43561100
Louisa- - 991100
Phoebe- 6246494
Rachel- 4245987
Ellen- 7196086
Edith- 3295183
Betsy- 1125972
Eleanor- 6184165
Dinah- 2233560
Amelia- 2123751
Anna- 3152947
Emily- - 54045
Jemima- 6171437
Deborah- - 142236
Kezia- - 112536
Judith- 2131530
Leticia- 162128
Matilda- - 32528
Rhoda- 132428
Amy- 1111527
Kitty- 1151127
Maryann- 241824
Priscilla- - 51823
Naomi- - 41822
Isabella- 251421
James- 151521
May/Mae- 261321
Julia- 141419
Abigail- 27918
Henrietta- 141318
Diana- - 6915
Rose- 33915
Dorothy- 23914
Joanna- 14813
Selina- - - 1313
Thomas- 13913
Grace- 24612
Bridget- 26311
John- 18211
Leah- 11911
Nancy- 13711
Phillis- - 4711
Sally- - 3811
William- 21811
Agnes- - 2810
Annie- 16310
Arabella- - 4610
Charity- 12710
Charles; Marianne- - 362 x 9
Heppzibah- 1269
Dorcas; Patience- - 262 x 8
Helen; Marian- - 262 x 8
Marcy- 2158
Prudence- - 178
Samuel- - 358
Barbara- 1427
George- 1- 67
Hester- - 167
Ketty- - 257
Milly- - 347
Betty- 1146
Emila- - - 66
Lettice- - 336
Marianna- - 426
Ursula; Zilpah- - 242 x 6
Augusta- - - 55
Comfort- - 145
Edie- - 415
Eunice; Mercy- - 232 x 5
Penelope; Tamer- 1- 42 x 5
Rosanna- 2215
Allen; Drusilla; Georgiana; Meria- - - 44 x 4
Christiana- - 224
Ethel; Lovey- - 312 x 4
Letty; Zilphah- - 132 x 4
Alley; Hezia; Jemma- 1- 23 x 3
Am; Avis; Bertha; Catterine; Elija; Elize; Ether; Jame; Kate; Louise; Marie; Robert; Temperance; Tryphena- - - 314 x 3
Annamaria; Bathsheba; Honour; Janet; Joseph; Leannah; Lois; True; Winnifred- - 129 x 3
Elvi; Everett; Isabel- - 213 x 3
Judy- 12- 3
Marly; Molly; Rosa; Sam- - 3- 4 x 3
Peggy- 21- 3
Alethea; Ama; Bethia; Cathine; Cecilia; Epsebah; Ham; Helena; Jan; Janes; Jessie; Joyce; Lahannah; Marsha; Marthe; Millicent; Nan; Rosina; Sabber; Sydia; Tabitha; Therza- - - 222 x 2
Alicia; Elbert; Elithabeth; Hetty; Mina; Rush; Settie- - 2- 7 x 2
Arah; Avery; Bessy; Cassandra; Dennis; Farah; Georgina; Hanns; Harry; Henriette; Juliana; Kerenhappwck; Lomie; Lucretia; Melicent; Olivia; Paulina; Phala; Reba; Salome; Sim- - 1121 x 2
Dinnie- 1- 12
Jenny; Juda- 11- 2 x 2
Adelaide; Beatrice; Christian; Haynes; Humah; Justianna; Loyce; Marcilla; Marshall; Orland; Pagey; Patsy; Sark; Seb; Sudea; Warboys- 1- - 16 x 1
Abby; Angelleta; Aron; Arza; Barber; Britannin; Buchel; Came; Carlotted; Catherina; Catterina; Charline; Charlotto; Clarissa; Cornelia; Covey; Cris; Diand; Dinorah; Duiah; Edse; Evie; Fortune; Frederica; Glelicent; Grajely; Hanny; Harrietta; Henry; Hersilla; House; Joan; Josaphin; Joyer; Judita; Justin; Justith; Kilby; Laura; Lawrence; Lehemes; Leonard; Lethser; Lizabeth; Lolle; Lusarah; Mable; Maia; Mathew; Mavey; Mayr; Mvican; Nabart; Nanny; Oliver; Parhent; Ransford; Reborah; Reevy; Relly; Rhode; Robina; Rosetta; Safe; Sall; Sanna; Scary; Sebinah; Setitia; Spicer; Theodosia; Thillis; Trush; Walter- - 1- 74 x 1
Aaron; Abeel; Adah; Adahlina; Alaric; Aline; Allesein; Alutha; Amas; Amida; Amos; Angelina; Annise; Arlotto; Arns; Athiel; Atrjail; Attie; Augustas; Aurora; Barberg; Barbery; Becky; Benedicta; Bethian; Bett; Bettraih; Beulah; Blanche; Bully; Buth; Cady; Caleb; Cane; Carloni; Cassandrew; Cath; Cather; Cathern; Catton; Celia; Charlotta; Chen; Christiania; Christina; Clara; Clementina; Clemont; Clevie; Constant; Dancus; Decima; Delvina; Dolpha; Dora; Dose; Doveas; Duty; Eade; Eather; Eder; Eilene; Elia; Elizabet; Elizabetha; Elma; Eloina; Elona; Elsia; Elvia; Emers; Faith; Flora; Florice; Foundy; Fransek; Fred; Frederick; Fremers; Galidnnal; Georgeanne; Ggodests; Glemina; Habeita; Hagar; Haomi; Harin; Harnah; Harriath; Harrick; Harris; Hegell; Heino; Hemty; Henditta; Heneritta; Howneatt; Hriza; Ida; Irene; Ismina; Ivy; Jafsanat; Jeffry; Joll; Jone; Junetta; Justina; Kareen; Kegia; Kelly; Kezin; Krabella; Krarz; Lanford; Laos; Laurafauct; Leat; Lelpah; Lepher; Leuzer; Levi; Lilia; Liliana; Lilpha; Lizza; Loasa; Loniza; Lottan; Lotty; Louisia; Lourie; Lovelina; Luch; Lucky; Ludie; Lullia; Lylphah; Mahali; Malaha; Mana; Mane; Mann; Mara; Mardling; Marica; Marin; Marja; Marna; Marnea; Massey; Matha; Maya; Meller; Mellia; Menewa; Mereuer; Meriel; Mira; Miria; Moni; Mory; Mully; Murtha; Naona; Netty; Obriene; Octavie; Olive; Pamela; Pane; Parke; Pateina; Pationes; Pehorah; Pency; Perthaney; Pleasant; Plera; Prescotta; Racihd; Rathercha; Ratiente; Rattsheter; Reabea; Reas; Reeche; Regey; Rheda; Richard; Ritty; Rosabella; Roseanne; Rosehanan; Rudolphus; Ruke; Samser; Saphia; Senah; Sereno; Shaw; Shyatesa; Silvey; Sophice; Sophie; Sophin; Sotina; Soueear; Suey; Suhaymah; Sun; Supanah; Sutton; Sydda; Tanny; Telenia; Theoba; Theresa; Tolarr; Tomas; Tomaz; Usler; Venilop; Wilhelmna; Winnish; Zillah- - - 1226 x 1

My analysis is presented with thanks to ancestry.co.uk whose free online access to basic 1851 census data allowed me to complete this study.